Led Zeppelin – The Ocean


A song about lost and loved… still a song about the mountains and the ocean… This song is by far dedicated to Robert Plant’s lost daughter… I will send all my wishes and prayers to her, and I hope you guys out there will too..! This can also be used for a song about hope, the one and only hope for an springtime sea-trout. Always remember the sea and the mountains..

Flytying pattern #2: Bibio Pomonae


Flytying pattern #2: Bibio Pomonae

To me this is the most effective and the most durable pattern for Bibio Pomonae imitations… Easy to tie and floats extraordenairy well.’

Hook: TMC 102Y or 112Y in size 11 or 13.
Abdomen of Fly-Rite #2 or black antron dubbing.
Wings of white Raffia
One black and one red dry fly hackle.
Thorax-top of black foam.