Led Zeppelin – The Ocean


A song about lost and loved… still a song about the mountains and the ocean… This song is by far dedicated to Robert Plant’s lost daughter… I will send all my wishes and prayers to her, and I hope you guys out there will too..! This can also be used for a song about hope, the one and only hope for an springtime sea-trout. Always remember the sea and the mountains..

New boots heading my way

People of earth. Any true gentleman will tell you that good footwear is important. But what is good footwear? It’s not comfortable Nike’s, slippers or crocks, that’s for sure… The golden rule for this is that any kind of footwear that you would wear while playing any form for sport is not accepted, except if the sport is western-style rodeo… or if you just drive a black Trans AM and are being chased by Smokey.

Anyway, snakeskin ankle boots for me for this x-mas. Marry f**kin’ x-mas to me!


Led Zeppelin finally on Spotify!

The day has finally come. From this Friday the 13th, it will forever be known as the day digital streaming of the noble art of music was revolutionized. The four archmasters of the Elder’s Rock n’ Roll Council has once again revealed themself in the form of the finest and most sacred of sounds throughout history. It’s been a long time since the ancient covenant Atlantic Records first carved these godlike overmen’s work on to the finest of vinyl.

Yes, my fellow musiclovers. Led Zeppelin is now available on Spotify.
