It’s friday, bitches!

I started this day doing my regular morning ritual, with coffee and cigarettes while watching some random show on TV. Then I take my seat at my desk and start working. Today I have three things on my list:

Study and preparing like hell, and taking notes, lots of notes.

Find an awesome party for this weekend

Finish one of my drawing orders, frame it and deliver it.

Alright… Back to work!


I like to start with an introduction of myself with some basic facts about me.

First the boring stuff…

My name is Joe Raven.

23 y/o.

Addicted to Rock n’ Roll,, cigarettes and coffee.


From Norway.

This spring I’m going to Rome to start my first year of education for a masters degree. I will update this blog as often as I can, and try to be active with my camera and post photo updates. I like pictures! Other things I will post here is whatever else is going on in my life, my three primary hobbies is drawing/painting, guitar and flyfishing, so I will probably post a lot about that too. And whatever else I have of interests or thoughts. Time will tell.

In the meantime, you can check out one of my acrylpaintings; Goetia’s Oak
